DID DI-FNCL-81765B summarizes the format for DD Form 1921-3 and provides preparation instructions to support the specific data and frequency requirements specified in the contract. DD Form 1921-3 is related to the other CCDR forms, including DD Form 1921 “Cost Data Summary Report” (DI-FNCL-81565), DD Form 1921-1, “Functional Cost-Hour Report” (DI-FNCL-81566), and DD Form 1921-2, “Progress Curve Report” (DI-FNCL-81567). All forms are available for inclusion on any contract that meets the criteria specified in DoD Instruction 5000.02 or under other conditions specified for a particular contractual effort.
- Published:
- 05/18/2011
- Number of Pages:
- 15
- File Size:
- 1 file , 120 KB
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