
ECIA 199-A

Original price was: $76.00.Current price is: $38.00.



This standard refers to solid- and semi-solid-dielectriccoaxial-cable transmission lines conasi sting of one or two innerconductors.

Coaxial Cables

Basically, a coaxial cable is constructed of a single innerconductor covered by a flexible low-loss r-f-dielectric corematerial, which is then surrounded by a braided outer conductor,with the whole covered by a protective covering. In some cases thisis covered by an extra outer braided armor for use in extremelyabusive applications. Each element of the construction is designedto contribute to the requirements of the finished product.

Two-Conductor Coaxial Cables Individual dielectric cores oftwo-conductor coaxial cables shall meet the requirements of solidor semi-solid dielectric cores. One strand of one of the innerconductors shall be coded for identification and shall be visiblewithout disturbing the stranding. That is, if all of the strands ofthe inner conductors are coated, then one strand shall be bare; orif all of the strands are bare, then one strand shall becoated.

Twin-Coaxial Cables

Twin-coaxial cables shall be constructed of individual innerconductors within individual dielectric cores, within a commonouter-conductor braid. As an alternate construction, a twin-coaxialcable may be constructed of individual inner conductors withinindividual inner dielectric cores, within a common outer core thatmay be filled-to-round.

Dual-Coaxial Cables

Dual-coaxial cables shall be constructed of individual innerconductors within individual dielectric cores, within individualouter conductor inner braids, within a common outer conductor outerbraid.


Coaxial cables covered by this standard are primarily intendedfor use as transmission lines to conduct energy in a simple powertransfer, continuously or intermittently. In general, these coaxialcables are designed for low-loss stable operation from therelatively low radio frequencies thru the higher frequenciesencountered in the microwave and radar regions of the frequencyspectrum. Typical uses include runs of cable carrying criticallyexact signals between or within units of electronic, radio,television or other communication equipment. Coaxial cables mayalso be used as circuit elements, delay lines or impedance matchingdevices.


The primary object of this standard is to insure the uniformityof similar-type coaxial cables obtained from different sources ofsupply. It is also intended that this standard shall serve as aguide in the manufacture and application of these cables.

In view of the extensive use of solid- and semi-solid-dielectriccoaxial cables requiring a wide range of impedances, sizes andother characteristics, care has been taken in this standard toavoid unnecessarily restrictive standardization but at the sametime, wherever feasible, to limit the number of designated standardtypes.

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ECIA 199-A
Original price was: $76.00.Current price is: $38.00.