
ECIA 202-A

Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $44.00.



The purpose of this recommended practice is to supply theessential information required for the preparation of satisfactorytube and base outline drawings (hereinafter referred to as”outlines”) on electron tubes and related vacuum sealed devices forJEDEC application where standard outlines do not exist. (See EIAStandard RS-209-A.) In addition to meeting EIA registration, thisinformation should also be of equal value to the ultimate user ofthe device.

From a mechanical standpoint, tube data may be consideredcomplete for type registration when they include an outline drawinggiving the essential dimensions of the tube with the base (s) andelectrode connections properly identified. Whenever a tube requiresa base or envelope not already standardized or registered, the baseand envelope information should be submitted with the tube outline.(The tube manufacturer will not be required to furnish thisinformation if the envelope is fabricated internally from compositesegments of commercially available glass. The registration data ofa tube so initially constructed shall mention this condition.)

Outlines may not be required for certain receiving andphysically similar types comprising conventional envelope, base,and cap assemblies. Such tubes may be considered complete forregistration from a mechanical standpoint when the followingphysical specifications are in the form used on the JEDEC ElectronTube Data Sheets.

Base and cap designations.

Envelope designation and diameter.

Overall length.

Seated height.

Pin, cap, and terminal connections.

JEDEC Basing or Terminal Diagram Number.

Specific shield connections not identified by 1.3.6.

Mounting position.

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ECIA 202-A
Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $44.00.