

Original price was: $78.00.Current price is: $39.00.

This requirements document is applicable to all types of singleor multicontact electrical connectors including: circular,rectangular printed circuit, rectangular micro-miniature,rectangular D-subminiature, rectangular rack and panel, coaxial,and hermetic. This document will be used to determine the minimumrequirements for space applications. This document is not amandatory requirements document but is for the purpose of providingguidance. For purposes of standardization and reference, severalspace environments are defined and include: habitable pressurizedmodules, low earth orbit, geosynchronous earth orbit,transatmospheric vehicle, lunar surface, Martian surface. Theenvironmental categories are designed to be used as a default whenconsidering how to alter any test for a specific application. Theenvironmental categories are meant for reference purposes. Whenperforming any test or screening procedure the parameters of theoperational environment can be used to govern the test conditions.All test EIA test procedures referenced are to be considered as thenormative test procedures. All military test procedures arereferenced for information purposes. Any reference to the militaryor industry environments is only as a reference to the spaceenvironmental categories significant to this document. For actualmilitary and industry environment parameters please consult theappropriate military specifications or ELA documents.

There are several tables and charts designed forcross-referencing which types of connectors need to be tested forwhich space environments and for cross-referencing what types oftests are necessary for what type of connector when being used inany space environment.


The objective of this document is to provide the informationconcerning what the minimum requirements are for all electricalconnectors being used in any space flight application. Thisdocument is meant for guidance purposes and is not a procurementdocument. Once screened by the requirements outlined in thisdocument (and in accordance with project engineering documentation)with the appropriate results, a connector can be considered “spacegrade” for a given space environment category that governs all testconditions and requirements. If environmental parameters are notspecified for any given application by project documentation theappropriate environmental category defined in this document can beused to govern all test conditions.

ANSI Approved
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Original price was: $78.00.Current price is: $39.00.