This test procedure details the methods for determining theporosity of contact finishes used in electrical connector, contactsand sockets.
The object of this procedure is to determine the magnitude ofporosity as well as other surface defects inherent in theapplication of noble metal contact finishes. Porosity tests are anindication of the completeness of protection or coverage offered bythe finish. It is the intent that the defined methods be used as anevaluation technique for the acceptability of noble metal contactfinishes. This procedure applies to noble metal finishes with orwithout underplates applied to copper or nickel base alloycontacts. Noble metal platings include gold, gold alloys, palladiumand palladium alloys with and without gold flash overplate.
- Edition:
- A
- Published:
- 02/01/2008
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 28
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