This standard establishes a test method to determine thesusceptibility of an electrical connector or socket system to thepotential degradation mechanism of a dust/fiber environment commonto an office or manufacturing area.
This method may be used as a preconditioning test whereby thetest specimen is exposed to a heavy concentration of dust and thenexposed to a subsequent environment or as a “stand alone” test.
CAUTION – This procedure may involve hazardous materials,operations and equipment. This procedure does not purport toaddress all safety problems associated with its use or allregulatory requirements. It is the .responsibility of the user ofthis procedure to establish appropriate safety and health practicesand to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations beforeits use.
- Edition:
- A
- Published:
- 04/01/2005
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 16
- File Size:
- 0 files
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