This standard prescribes practices and requirements for themanufacture of soldered electrical and electronic assemblies.Historically, electronic assembly (soldering) standards contained amore comprehensive tutorial addressing principles and techniques.For a more complete understanding of this document’srecommendations and requirements, one may use this document inconjunction with IPC-HDBK-001 and IPC-A-610.
When IPC/EIA J-STD-001 is cited or required by contract, therequirements of IPC-A-610 do not apply unless separately orspecifically required. When IPC-A-610 is cited along with IPC/EIAJ-STD-001, the order of precedence is to be defined in theprocurement documents.
Purpose This standard describes materials,methods and acceptance criteria for producing soldered electricaland electronic assemblies. The intent of this document is to relyon process control methodology to ensure consistent quality levelsduring the manufacture of products. It is not the intent of thisstandard to exclude any procedure for component placement or forapplying flux and solder used to make the electrical connection;however, the methods used shall produce completedsolder joints conforming to the acceptability requirementsdescribed in this standard.
The requirements for assembly, soldering, soldered connections,cleaning, coating/encapsulation, rework, and verification aredefined in general terms.
- Edition:
- C
- Published:
- 03/01/2000
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 92
- File Size:
- 0 files
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