

Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $44.00.

This standard prescribes test methods, defect definitions,acceptance criteria, and illustrations for assessing thesolderability of electronic component leads, terminations, solidwires, stranded wires, lugs, and tabs. This standard also includesa test method for the Resistance to Dissolution/Dewetting ofMetallization. This standard is intended for use by both vendor anduser.


Solderability evaluations are made to verify that thesolderability of component leads and terminations meets therequirements established in this standard and to determine thatstorage has had no adverse effect on the ability to soldercomponents to an interconnecting substrate. Determination ofsolderability can be made at the time of manufacture, at receipt ofthe components by the user, or just before assembly andsoldering.

The resistance to dissolution of metallization determination ismade to verify that metallized terminations will remain intactthroughout the assembly soldering processes.

Shall and Should The word”shall” is used in the text of this documentwherever there is a requirement for materials, preparation, processcontrol or acceptance of a soldered connection or a test method.The word “should” reflects recommendations and is used to reflectgeneral industry practices and procedures for guidance only.

Document Hierarchy In the event of conflict,the following decreasing order of precedence applies:

1. Procurement as agreed between user and supplier.

2. Master drawing or master assembly drawing reflecting theuser’s detailed requirements.

3. When invoked by the customer or per contractual agreement,this document, J-STD-002.

4. Other documents to extent specified by the customer.

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Original price was: $88.00.Current price is: $44.00.