
ETSI ES 203 237

Original price was: $54.50.Current price is: $27.25.

ETSI ES 203 237 describes the Green Abstraction Layer (GAL), which defines a novel way for managing andmonitoring energy and performance profiles of device hardware.

The GAL is an interface between data and control planes for exchanging data regarding the power status of a device.This interface if specifically conceived to hide the implementation details of energy-saving approaches, as well toprovide methodologies for interactions between heterogeneous “green” capabilities and Hardware (HW) technologies,on one hand, and control and monitoring frameworks, on the other hand. With “green” capabilities, we refer to any typeof mechanisms that implement appropriate optimization policies aimed at reducing the power consumption of aresource. Indeed, this interface provides flexible access to the power management capabilities of the future energyaware telecommunication fixed network nodes to effectively adapt the energy consumption of the network nodes withrespect to the load variations.

By means of the GAL, control applications will be allowed to get information on how many power managementsettings are available at the data-plane, and on the potential effect of using such settings. The other way round, controlapplications will be capable of setting a certain power management configuration to the device data-plane. It is worthnothing that, in order to provide the information needed by control applications to reduce the energy consumption whilemeeting the Quality of Service (QoS) constraints, the GAL explicitly represents the impact on network performancewhen different power management settings are applied.

The main objective of the GAL is to standardize the interface between the Network Control Policies (NCPs, for theenergy efficiency purpose) and the power modulation capabilities of network devices.There are three key aspects that have to be addressed by the GAL:

  • to make explicit the trade-off between consumption and network performance;
  • to map the consumption of hardware blocks with virtual/logical network resources; and
  • to hide the details/complexity of internal power modulation mechanisms.

In this respect, the present document contains:

  • the definition of the GAL general architecture;
  • the definition of the interoperable interface (GSI) between the energy-aware control processes (NCPs andLCPs – Local Control Policies) and the power management capabilities of the fixed network devices;
  • the definition of the EASes describing the different configurations and corresponding performance withrespect to the energy consumption of the devices.
Number of Pages:
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1 file , 430 KB
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ETSI ES 203 237
Original price was: $54.50.Current price is: $27.25.