ETSI TR 102 436 provides recommendations to system integrators and installers on good practice for theinstallation and commissioning of RFID systems operating at UHF at power levels up to 4 W e.r.p. Guidance is givenon making best use of the available spectrum as envisaged within the ETSI standard EN 302 208 [i.1]. In addition thepresent document covers the use of reduced power RFID devices at UHF, such as hand held readers and proximityprinters, operating in accordance with EN 300 220 [i.2]. This includes operation in the sub-bands 869,40 – 869,65 MHzat power levels of 500 mW and 869,7 – 870,0 MHz at power levels of 5 mW. In particular the present documentconsiders the practices necessary to minimize interference in situations where multiple interrogators are co-located inclose proximity. Failure to take the necessary precautions could lead to degradation in system performance. The presentdocument also endeavours to cover the approaches necessary to ensure that the operational requirements of the end-userare met.
The present document concerns itself with radio matters only. It does not provide any guidance on computer hardwareand software that may be used to process the data recovered from tags.
Many of the techniques recommended in the present document have been subject to practical tests in a workingdistribution centre. However each application is different and the techniques recommended in the present documentmay not be applicable in all situations.
End users may wish to make use of the present document as a general guide.
The present document does not cover matters related to Health and Safety. End-users and system integrators shouldfamiliarize themselves with the relevant national and international standards.
- Edition:
- 2.1.1
- Published:
- 06/01/2014
- Number of Pages:
- 37
- File Size:
- 1 file , 220 KB
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
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