Radiology and nuclear medicine physicians, health physicists,medical physicists, radiation safety officers, regulators, and anyothers with the responsibility for estimating fetal dose should usethe methods and numerical estimates shown in the sections of thisstandard for estimating radiation doses to exposed or potentiallyexposed pregnant subjects. Anyone employing this document shouldunderstand and take into consideration the uncertainties inapplying model-based dose values to specific individuals and allowfor these uncertainties in interpreting the results and discussingthem with the potentially exposed subject and administrative,regulatory, or other personnel. The information provided in Section6 should be used to evaluate the potential risks of any dosescalculated.
A recent article (Shiralkar et al. 2003) noted that somephysicians might have a weak understanding of radiation dosesreceived from standard radiological examinations. Consultation witha facility radiation safety officer or other knowledgeablephysicist, in conjunction with proper use of this standard, isstrongly encouraged and should provide the most accurate estimateof uterine/fetal dose available from the current literature. Thisstandard identifies acceptable methods for assessment of fetalabsorbed dose from medical examinations, radiation therapy, andoccupational exposures.
- Edition:
- 08
- Published:
- 01/01/2008
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 86
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