This standard considers records that are necessary to describethe occupational radiation exposure of individuals and theconditions under which the exposure occurred. Any individual forwhom individual monitoring is performed to measure exposure toradiological conditions shall have the monitoring results,including zero doses, recorded in the facility records so that theresults are readily retrievable. To accomplish this, comprehensiverecords should be generated and retained in the followingcategories:
radiological records that are related to an individual (e.g.,records of bioassay data, results from individually worndosimeters, skin contaminations, and involvement in radiologicalincidents);
radiological records that are related to the status of workareas (e.g., air-sampling results and radiation surveys);
records that describe work requirements, such as protectiveclothing and equipment, dosimeters to be worn, special criteria andguidelines, etc., for work in radiological areas (e.g.,radiological work permits and technical work documents);
records that describe the technical and administrative basis forthe radiological protection and dosimetry programs (e.g.,standards, policies, procedures, and methods of evaluation);
records that identify and describe the radiological protectiontraining received by individuals who work in radiologicalareas.
- Edition:
- 10
- Published:
- 01/01/2010
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 29
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