
IES RP-1-12

Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $45.00.

For many people, the office is the environment where they spend the majority of their waking adult lives.The expectation is that the time spent in the office will be useful and productive, and that the physical environment will be healthy.

The design of the office greatly influences how well the space meets the needs of the workers and theirorganization. Lighting is a critical element of the design that may enhance or degrade the work experienceand affect the well-being of the workers. Beyond supporting worker performance, lighting may alsoaffect the bottom line of the organization by making the best use possible of materials and electricity.

This recommended practice has been substantially reorganized and reworked from earlier editions toaddress these issues in the changing office environment. By maintaining a focus on lighting qualityand human visual performance, and using the available technology, lighting practitioners can lightthe workplace more effectively. Their careful attention to the details, and willingness to work with andeducate other members of the design team (architects, engineers, interior designers, owners andusers), will ensure the best possible use of available resources in design solutions that are cost effective,environmentally sustainable, and that yield higher workplace satisfaction and consequently enhancedorganizational productivity.

ANSI Approved
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IES RP-1-12
Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $45.00.