
ISA 12.13.01

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $25.00.

W/D S/S BY ISA 60079-29-1

This part of ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5Mod) specifies general requirements for construction andtesting and describes the test methods that apply to portable,transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurementof flammable gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus,or parts thereof, are intended for use in potentially explosiveatmospheres (see 2.1.3). This document is supplemented by thefollowing parts, concerning the specific requirements forperformance of the various types of apparatus:

Part 4: Performance requirements for group II(non-mining) apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction of100% lower explosive limit

Part 5: Performance requirements for group II(non-mining) apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction of100% gas

NOTE 1 Part 1 of ANSI/ISA-12.13.01 (IEC 61779-1 through 5Mod), in association with the parts referred to above, isintended to provide for the supply of apparatus giving a level ofsafety and performance suitable for general-purpose applications.However, for specific applications a prospective purchaser (or anappropriate authority) may additionally require apparatus to besubmitted to particular tests or approval. For example, group Iapparatus (i.e. apparatus to be used in mines susceptible tofiredamp) may not be permitted to be used without the additionaland prior approval of the relevant authority in mines under itsjurisdiction. Such particular tests/approval are to be regarded asadditional to and separate from the provisions of the standardsreferred to above and do not preclude certification to orcompliance with these standards.

NOTE 2 Group II apparatus indicating up to a volume fraction of100% methane and group II apparatus indicating up to a volumefraction of 100% gas are suitable for use only with the specificgases for which they have been calibrated.

NOTE 3 For the purpose of this document, the terms “lowerflammable limit (LFL)” and “lower explosive limit (LEL)” are deemedto be synonymous, and likewise the terms “upper flammable limit(UFL)” and “upper explosive limit (UEL)” are deemed to besynonymous. For ease of reference, the two abbreviations LFL andUFL may be used hereinafter to denote these two sets of terms. Itshould be recognized that particular authorities havingjurisdiction may have overriding requirements that dictate the useof one of these sets of terms and not the other.

NOTE 4 For the purpose of this document, the terms “explosivegas atmosphere” and “flammable gas atmosphere” are deemed to besynonymous.

This document is applicable when an apparatus manufacturer makesany claims regarding any special features of construction orsuperior performance that exceed these minimum requirements. Allsuch claims shall be verified and the test procedures shall beextended or supplemented where necessary to verify the claimedperformance. The additional tests shall be agreed between themanufacturer and test laboratory.

This document is applicable to flammable gas detection apparatusintended to provide an indication, alarm or other output function,the purpose of which is to give a warning of potential explosionhazard and in some cases to initiate automatic or manual protectiveaction(s).

This document is applicable to apparatus, including the integralsampling systems of aspirated apparatus, intended to be used forcommercial and industrial (non-residential) safetyapplications.

This document does not apply to external sampling systems, or toapparatus of laboratory or scientific type, or to apparatus usedonly for process control purposes. It also does not apply toopen path (line of sight) area monitors (refer to CENELEC prEN50241-1 and prEN 50241-2, February 1996). For apparatus used forsensing the presence of multiple gases, this document applies onlyto the portion sensing the presence of flammable gas orvapor.

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ISA 12.13.01
Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $25.00.