
ISA 61241-0

Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $45.00.


This standard specifies general requirements for the design,construction, testing and marking which is applicableto electrical apparatus protected by any recognized safeguardprotection technique for use in areas where combustible dust may bepresent in quantities that could lead to a fire or explosionhazard.

This standard is supplemented or modified by the followingstandards parts of IEC 61241 concerning specific types ofprotection:

ANSI/ISA 61241-1 (12.10.03), Electrical Apparatus for Usein Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations −Protection by Enclosures “tD”

ANSI/ISA 61241-2 (12.10.06), Electrical Apparatus for Usein Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations −Protection by Pressurization “pD

ANSI/ISA 61241-11 (12.10.04), Electrical Apparatus for Usein Zone 20, Zone 21, and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations −Protection by Intrinsic Safety “iD

ANSI/ISA 61241-18 (12.10.07), Electrical Apparatus for Usein Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22 Hazardous (Classified) Locations −Protection by Encapsulation “mD

The application of electrical apparatus in atmospheres which maycontain explosive gas as well as combustible dust, whethersimultaneously or separately, requires additional protectivemeasures.

This standard does not specify requirements for safety, otherthan those directly related to the explosion risk.

Where the apparatus has to meet other environmental conditions,for example, protection against ingress of water and resistance tocorrosion, additional methods of protection may be necessary. Themethod used is not to adversely affect the integrity of theenclosure.

This standard does not apply to dusts of explosives that do notrequire atmospheric oxygen for combustion, or to pyrophoricsubstances.

This standard is not applicable to electrical apparatus intendedfor use in underground parts of mines as well as those parts ofsurface installations of such mines endangered by firedamp and/orcombustible dust.

This standard does not take account of any risk due to anemission of flammable or toxic gas from the dust

Electrical apparatus and Ex components for use in explosivedust atmospheres shall also comply with the applicable requirementsfor similar apparatus for use in unclassified locations.

NOTE Requirements for safety of electrical equipment in ordinary(unclassified) locations can be found in ANSI Standards, NEMAStandards, Federal Regulations, etc. Apparatus listed by aNationally Recognized Testing Laboratory is considered to meet theapplicable requirements found in these standards. A list ofcommonly applied standards is shown in informative Annex A.

ANSI Approved
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ISA 61241-0
Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $45.00.