
ISA TR108.1

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Scope of this document

Part 1 describes concepts and terminology necessary tounderstand and communicate effectively about intelligent devicemanagement. It gives an overview of the basic concepts of howintelligent devices can be managed and an overview of how thisdevice management plays a larger role in the overall objectives ofa facility throughout its lifecycle. This document explains therelationship between IDM and other existing asset managementstandards.

Purpose of this document

The ultimate goal of this document is to provide basic knowledgeto understand the concept of intelligent device management so thatthey can implement such a system in their facility. This documentgives the reader a basic understanding of what intelligent devicemanagement is and what it can do.

This document provides organization for the many diverseactivities that are employed in IDM in addition to providing commonlanguage to describe those activities. The concepts include whatkinds of activities are needed and some roles associated with theseactivities. The need for and methods for management coordination ofmultiple roles by multiple stakeholders is discussed. Future ISA108documents will provide more detail on how these activities aremanaged and performed.

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 1.6 MB


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ISA TR108.1
Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.00.