
ISA TR12.21.01

Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $55.00.

This technical report provides guidance on the safe use of fiberoptic systems and their constituent parts producing or guidingvisible, near infrared, or mid infrared (maximum wavelength of 10μm) radiation in Class I hazardous (classified) locations.Hazardous (classified) locations are described in the NationalElectrical Code (NEC). Limiting levels prescribed in this documentapply only to the minimum levels of optical power, optical powerdensity, and optical energy needed to ignite explosive gasatmospheres. In apparatus where optical energy is transduced toelectrical energy, the limiting values for the electrical energymust be determined from relevant standards for electrical apparatus(e.g. ANSI/ISA-12.00.01-2002 (IEC 60079-0 Mod)).


At this time there is minimal awareness of the potential riskassociated with optical ignitions even though fiber optics havebeen used for at least 20 years in hazardous (classified)locations. One purpose of this technical report is to informindustry of potential ignition hazards associated with the use offiber optic systems in explosive gas atmospheres. The technicalreport is also intended to suggest engineering and installationpractices to reduce the ignition hazard from fiber optic systems inClass I locations.

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 450 KB


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ISA TR12.21.01
Original price was: $110.00.Current price is: $55.00.