
ISA TR98.00.02

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.00.


This document is intended to supply a general list ofwork-oriented functions, activities, tasks and duties that aninstrument, instrument/electrical, automation or control systemtechnician should be skilled at in order to successfully work inthis technical area. It is intended to be a dynamic document thatwill change as the equipment the technician works with evolves. Thedocument is inclusive of the most common work-oriented functions.Specialty area technicians are expected to have additional skillsand higher technical competences that are not included in thisgeneral list.

This document provides skill standard information beyond thatcontained in ANSI/ISA-98.00.01-2002 to enhance control systemtechnician education and training. It includes specificdemonstrable performance criteria that indicate when thework-oriented activities have been performed successfully.Performance criteria specify the type, quality and level of outputrequired to perform the work. These performance criteria providebenchmarks against which skills and knowledge can be meaningfullyevaluated in order to support the development of training curriculaand assessment.


The purpose of the document is to identify the work-orientedfunctions, activities, tasks and duties that a technician should beable to perform competently. This document should supply anemployer or contractor with the ability to judge the qualificationsof an individual technician or state the requirements necessary fortechnicians to be used in the instrumentation field. These skillsalso provide a framework for educators and employers to develop theeducational and training tools necessary to prepare students andincumbent workers for success in the workplace. The document is notintended as detailed work instructions or directions.

The inclusion of worker-oriented information in the annexescompletes the definition of skills and knowledge required tosuccessfully perform the work-oriented tasks. Both work andworker-oriented information are required for the development anddelivery of relevant, outcome-based training and instructionalmethods.

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ISA TR98.00.02
Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.00.