This document is a comprehensive users’ guide for silicon rectifier diode applications. It sets forth the nomenclature associated with silicon rectified diodes. This document further describes the established procedures that are followed in the registration of semiconductor devices and the assignment of type designations. For the purpose of preserving standardization, guidelines for filling in the rectifier diode registration information required in registration formats are provided. Standard ratings and test methods to be used in establishing and verifying the maximum ratings for rectifier diodes given in the JC-22 series of registration formats for rectifier diodes are provided. Accepted test methods and general guidelines of techniques and instrumentation for performing rectifier diode characteristics tests are set forth. Diode ratings and characteristics are presented with consideration to actual diode applications.
- Published:
- 01/01/2023
- Number of Pages:
- 162
- File Size:
- 1 file , 2.5 MB
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Russia, Belarus
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